Professor Dr Markus Hӧllerer

Markus A. Höllerer ( is Professor in Organization and Management at UNSW Sydney. He is also affiliated with the Research Institute for Urban Management and Governance at WU Vienna. His scholarly work has been focused on the study of institutions, meaning, and novel forms of organization and governance. Research interests include, among others, issues of collaborative governance at the interface of the private sector, public administration, and civil society; the global dissemination and local adaptation of bundles of management ideas; the notion of resilience; and various forms of institutional pluralism and complexity. Recent studies engage with institutional arrangements as multimodal accomplishments and related methodology. Markus currently serves on the editorial board and as ad hoc reviewer for a number of leading academic journals, and is the Consulting Editor of Organization Theory. His work has been published in scholarly outlets such as Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Discoveries, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Public Administration, Strategic Organization, and Urban Studies, as well as in several books and edited volumes. Markus has been an elected member of the Executive Board of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), serving as its Chair 2017-2020.